Customer in Training

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Our DS loves to push his own cart at Brookshire’s. He feels so grown up. He’s so busy looking around to see who is watching him that he can’t keep his eyes on where he’s going. It’s a good thing they have those tall bars with the “customer in training” on the top so that it’s easier for us to help him around the store. After a while we do get tired of taking things from his cart and putting them back on the shelf, but oh well. :-)

(and yes his mouth is full in this picture)

Today we all went as a family for a few groceries and to do a little snacking before lunch. DH was pushing DD in a regular cart while DS pushed his cart with my help. By the time we were halfway around the store DS had so many samples he was trying to work on that we put him in DH’s cart so he could actually eat them.

Your laugh for the day- guess who got to push the CiT cart? Your’s truly. Sorry- no picture for that!

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