Frugal Living at Home
Making Coke Ice Cubes
Last week's Tips for Tuesday was about turning flat soda or day old coffee into icecubes for your soda or to make iced coffee with. I was really … [Read More...]

Food Expiration Dates – Understanding the “Use by, Sell by and Best by” Dates on Food.
I've had many people ask me "how long past the food expiration date is a product still good?" My first answer is usually "a long time". My second is … [Read More...]

Good Things Come in Pairs
We put on our socks and shoes in pairs because that's the way it's always been done. Of course it would be incredibly uncomfortable to put on only … [Read More...]

Homemade Tide Laundry Detergent for $.03 Per Load or Less!
Everyone knows I love my Tide laundry detergent. I thought I was doing pretty good to get a 50 oz jug for around $2, but now I've come up with a way … [Read More...]
Money Management

Target Valentine’s Clearance
I've written about the every day items you can find at Target during on Easter clearance and Christmas clearance, but never shared any … [Read More...]
Earning Money Through the SuperPoints Network
In the summer of 2011 I watched several friends join the SuperPoints network and start earning cash for Christmas spending. I hesitated to … [Read More...]
Buy More?? Doesn’t That Cost More?????
One of the best tips I can give on how to save money is to buy more. The concept may be counter intuitive, but the math proves it: Let's … [Read More...]

The Hare May Be Faster, but the Tortoise’s Slow and Steady Wins the Race
I've been seeing lots of posts on facebook for the 52 Week Money Challenge a.k.a the "save $1,300 with me in 2014" plan. The idea is that … [Read More...]

Win a $50 Disney Gift Card
Going to Walt Disney World has always been one of our family's guilty pleasures that we save and plan for in order to make it happen. I've been … [Read More...]
Planning a Disney World Trip – Choosing the Best Week
A trip to Disney World is a big occasion for most families. The biggest decision you'll need to make is which week to go. It's important to not base … [Read More...]
Cheap Shreveport Mini Vacation
At the end of last week we went to Shreveport for a couple of days. It wasn't a scheduled vacation so we really didn't have a budget for it. The … [Read More...]
A Wicker Basket is Better Than the Golden Arches
This is a guest post by Susan Through the years my family has spent a lot of time on the road. From swim meets to dance competitions to 900 … [Read More...]
Food & Family Time

Lego Christmas Tree 2015
It's no secret among friends and family that we are a Lego loving family. In the past 4 years our collection has nearly tripled in size. To reflect our love … [Read More...]
3 Gifts for Christmas and a Stocking – The Season of Christ’s Birth
This post was originally published on December 6, 2011. It is not meant to say that what anyone else does at Christmas is wrong, just to share how our family … [Read More...]

Parenting Styles – Are You a “Have it All Together” Parent?
A friend of mine posted this as a status update recently on Facebook. It's exactly how I feel. Although I may post about how my family celebrates Christmas or … [Read More...]

Easy 5 Minute Microwave Fudge
Microwave fudge is the easiest and quickest way to make your own fudge. It takes just 3 ingredients and 5 minutes to prepare. You can't go wrong with this … [Read More...]