How Could I Forget a Diaper?????

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DH got our son up this morning. I was in the bedroom getting the baby’s milk when he comes in with a smirk on his face and says “Were you in a hurry when you got [DS] ready for bed last night?” Cringing, it dawned on me instantly what he meant. I had put him to bed with his underwear on! Evidently the entire bed, him and his stuffed animals were soaked. It is now all piled up in his bathroom and I have to find time to get the laundromat before his nap time.

He was in the bath when I went up to say good morning. He just hung his head and said “Mama, my bed was wet” Oh, my heart just hurt. I tried to explain that it wasn’t his fault, he was sleeping and didn’t know he had to go, Mama forgot his diaper, etc. I’m not entirely sure he believes me, but at least it was my fault and not his like the time he took his own diaper off! Boy was that a fun day.

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