Our Labor Day Weekend Adventures

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We went to visit my Mother-in-law this weekend. DH had worked a lot of over time so we were able to leave on Friday, which made for a nice long visit. She lives about 4 and a half hours away and DS was very excited. He woke up Friday morning saying “Are we going to go see Nana today?” “yes, we’re going to go after we eat lunch” “Good, I need to go see Nana’s pots!”

Nana is one of those extra fun loving Nana’s who would spend all day doing exactly what her grandkids wanted to do if she could. She lets them “help” her with almost everything that she needs to do. Raising her 3 boys sure taught her a lot of patience! Well, DS loves to cook, and so Nana loves to cook with him. He can empty her pot cabinet in a hurry and we won’t be able to navigate the kitchen for all the pots, lids, skillets, beans and potatoes that he is playing with. This trip we set a rule of only 3 pots and/or skillets with lids. He spent 90% of his time “cooking” At least there wasn’t quite as much tripping this time and Nana only had to borrow one of her pots to cook really with. DH got into the seed ticks while scouting the yard for a place to put a pond, DD got 4 mosquito bites, and I evidently didn’t eat enough fiber. Regardless of minor inconviences we had a great visit with Nana.

Our trip home started out wonderfully. We got packed up early so we could spend some time visiting with DH’s younger brother before we left. We all ate (including the baby) at about 11:30 and were loaded up and down the driveway by 12:30. I thought “how did we manage to leave relatively on time???” We were all set to have a sleeping baby for the next 3+ hours of the trip and DS would sleep for a short while before playing with his toys and books until we stopped. We didn’t even get to the end of her road however, before I realized that we had a flat tire. Fortunately it happened so close to her house, but Nana lives in a small town and there was no place to get a new tire (it was torn by a screw) on Labor Day. DH put on the spare and we drove to the next town to get it replaced. Needless to say my glorious plan to drive between meals and while they slept got all messed up and we didn’t get home until 8:00. Oh well, you win some and you lose some. It could have been so much worse. Surprisingly DS handled it all very well. He hasn’t been doing too good stuck in his carseat lately, but this time he kept talking about our new tire. Probably because he loves Pa Grape’s Shapes, the VeggieTales book, so much.

I am glad to be back home and in my own bed, and will spend the week getting caught up and preparing for a visit from my parents this coming weekend. Hopefully that visit will go as smoothly. Hmmmm, where to put the baby while my parents take over her room???

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