Tonight We Are Thankful for Healthy Eyes

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Both of our kids had appointments with the ophthalmologist this morning.  We spent 3 hours in the office but returned home feeling victorious.  DS’ eyes show no signs of elevated pressures and DD remains completely glaucoma free.  She does still have blocked tear ducts and consequently has an eye infection, but this is completely normal for babies her age.  While DS was apprehensive about his Dr. visit this morning, he responded very well and was generally a happy patient.  He is doing so well on his eye drops that they are weakening his vision prescription! Thank you to all who have prayed for him, and for his little sister to not have to endure all that our little guy has gone through. We love you all!

For those of you that do not know our family personally,our DS was diagnosed with congenital glaucoma at 5 months and underwent corrective surgery soon after. The surgery began to fail a year and a half later but a team of wonderful doctors was able to lower pressures this time with eye drops.   One of these days I’ll eventually get around to writing about his story.

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