How I Know My Three Yr. Old Is Really Listening

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We have a rule in our van that if Turkey gets to listen to “his kids” then he doesn’t get any toys.  This way if he wants to play with a toy then I can get some “me music” and when he listens to his music I know he’s actually paying attention.  One time he actually got in the van and said “I need a toy momma, so you can listen to your music”   It’s a compromise that works great, but I still wonder how much he’s actually listening.  Currently we’re listening to a collection of 100 Bible Songs & 100 Bible Stories that are about 30-45 seconds each. 

Today at lunch Turkey looks up at the lights in our kitchen and asks:

“Are those the Israelites Momma?”

I look up, knowing what he means, but wanting to draw his own explanation out 

“I’m not sure.  What Israelites are you talking about?” 

“You know, the Pharoah didn’t like the Israelites so the lady hid her baby in the river.  Then Orpah went home but Ruth loved Naomi so the Pharoah has the whole world in his hands”

Okay, so that’s not exactly the way those stories go, but those are the same stories and songs that he heard a few minutes earlier in the van.  It may take a few more times for him to get things straight, but at least I know he’s really listening.  


  1. LivingABonafideLife says:

    Aw, that’s precious! This is a great example of how observant children really are!

  2. This is so sweet! And also really great that your three year old is responding so well, despite the misunderstandings. My three year old doesn’t talk much, but I know he understands me because he obeys when I tell him to do something. Which is great, too. 😉

    – Lauren

  3. I need to get that cd! Thanks again for linking up!!

  4. So Wonderful! He’s getting it! It’s so much easier to teach them these wonderful stories from a young age, because they ‘stick’ better! Might help them stick a little easier if you find a childrens Bible story book and read him the stories that correlate with the songs (maybe a bedtime story). They would give him a reference point. Oh, by the way, YOU are doing a GREAT job Mom!!

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