From the Mouths of Babes pt. 2

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I washed and laid Little One’s plastic bibs out to dry yesterday. While I was feeding her lunch I look over to see Turkey in the process of doing this:

There are a total of 7 bibs there BTW.  I guess he was feeling left out.

Other funny moments from lately:

When Little One spit up: “Ohhhh sweetheart, you spit your milk up” followed by “Eww, don’t eat that, it’s gross!” (of course coming from a kid who eats his boogies)

“Mama, come upstairs and play with me” “I’m coming bud” “No you’re not, you’re just sitting there!

I just need to check my e-mail

“After your bath it will be time for [Turkey] to go night night” “I don’t need to take a bath then, I’ll just cook down here with my new pots”  (he cooks in just about every room of the house, including in his bathtub)

We need to go outside so [Turkey] can exercise

“Where is [Turkey] going to go today?” “Nowhere because Mama hasn’t gotten a shower”  “Do you need a shower Mama?” “Yes bud, I’m stinky” he ponders this for a while then says: “Is your bottom stinky?

and my favorite-
“Did we get a present for baby Logan?” “yes bud” “Did he tell us what he wanted” “No bud, he’s still in Aunt ____’s belly and we got things she wanted for him” “Then did he yell real loud to tell her what he wanted?

can you tell we’re stuck in the 3rd person phase of conversation?  :-)


  1. so fun!!

    – S. Davis

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