Free Nursing Cover from Udder Covers

This post may contain affiliate links.

If you are a nursing mom, or soon to be nursing mom, this is a great deal for you!  While inventory lasts, UdderCovers is offering a Mother’s Day promo for a free nursing cover.  These run around $30 each. All you pay is the shipping and handling ($9.95)  A friend gave me one of these when our daughter was born and it was so wonderful to have and it made nursing out and about much easier. 

Here’s how to get yours (or one for a friend)

1.  Go to
2.  Click on “Shop Now” and select any nursing cover you like.
3.  Once you have made your selection, scroll to the bottom of the screen.
Enter the promo code ” MOTHER ” and they’ll deduct 100% of the cost
of the cover.
Your total should be $0.00 for the cover and $9.95 for shipping.  They are already sold out of a few styles, so hurry! 
If you’re not familiar with a nursing cover, imagine something that’s
a cross between an apron and a poncho.  It has a flexible hoop at the
front of your neck that allows just you to see your baby.  Trust me, it
works much better than a blanket, especially outside on a windy day- learned that lesson the hard way!
Thanks Leah!


  1. Thanks for sharing this one! Nursing covers are definitely better than just a blanket.. hi hi Oh and I just discovered your blog and I am now following you from Family Friendly Frugality’s blog hop and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog:)
    And don’t forget to check our new Blog Tutorial going on today. It’s very easy and it would look so pretty on your blog:) See you there!
    Happy Thursday

  2. Thanks for stopping by Design it Chic. I hope you’re not laughing at my embarrassment at losing my blanket/nursing cover in the middle of the park :-) I am really swamped right now, so it will be a few days before I get around to visiting everyone, but I will get there.