Don’t have little ones anymore? Here are more of my money saving tips and money making tips. Wonder how to save money on something I haven’t mentioned? Drop me an e-mail and I’ll do my best to help.
You can get by with only using a large pea sized drop of shampoo for kids with short hair. The trick is to put it into your palms and rub them together before applying to your child’s hair. If you put it on your child’s hair first you’ll only get a smidgen of the suds.
If you want to stretch your dollars even further, leave you child’s hair lathered up and get the washcloth sudsy from their hair.
If you have young kids I’m sure you’re familiar with the Johnson’s Buddies products. What a fabulous idea for helping little kids learn how to use soap. They love the feel of it in their hands and it certainly suds up enough to get the job done. The one below looks a bit flat because there isn’t any soap left in it. In a pinch one night with a 3 yr old on the verge of a melt down my husband picked up the limp buddy and put a drop of his body wash onto to it. Like magic it sudsed right up. Be sure that you run it under very hot water every once in a while to help keep the germs away though.
Don’t have a buddy to use for washing? This little fellow works just as well with a drop of body wash. It also leaves the kiddos rolling in laughter, so be cautious since they are sitting in warm water if you know what I mean.
If you pick up a few bath toys from a trusted neighbor or get passed a few from a
friend it’s one thing, but I wouldn’t invest in any new ones. They’re hard to get clean (who really wants bath toys in the same dishwasher that cleans their utensils?) so they should be put in your washing machine which uses way more water than necessary for a few bath toys. Besides, the kids lost interest in them. Instead, raid your kitchen cabinet for old plastic cups and small bowls. Most kids love moving water back and forth from cup to cup and are mesmerized by water overflowing because one cup is smaller than the other. Having a small hole in one makes it more fun too. I remember a friend once saying that her son used to love his bath toys until they were out of town, and instead she gave him a cup. I’m not sure if he ever went back to bath toys after that or not.
Of course I have to mention that a teaspoon or so of body wash under high pressure will make a LOT of suds, so you can eliminate bubble bath from your shopping list too.
In addition to saving money, you also save yourself the time and hassle of having to shop for so many different products for kids. One bottle of shampoo will last a long time using the pea in your palm method.
Check back next Thursday for more money tips.
okay, this is not exactly related, but W-O-W that looks like an amazingly beautiful bathroom!!
LOL! It’s our timeshare at Big Cedar Lodge my dear! One of our bathrooms at home is straight out the 50s. Mint green paint with baby blue tiles. The other one is about 5×7 and is a very bad 90s remodel. I quite enjoy the modern rusticity of Big Cedar. If the kids weren’t so little I’d go more often.