Remember the T-shirts that I designed and you guys voted on the one for me to order a couple of weeks ago?
I paid just $2, plus $4.41 shipping for it and didn’t think I’d find a
better deal. Earlier tonight I got an e-mail that Vistaprint is
running a one day only special to design your own T-shirt for FREE! The
shipping still starts at $4.41, but what a fabulous deal this was for
me to get a T-shirt and advertising all in one Turns out they’re
going to be running 1 day sales all this week, so if I don’t think it’s a
good enough deal to post, I’ll try to put up an ad on the sidebar so
you’ll know what that day’s deal is. Here’s the link for today’s deal:
Just think of
the possibilities- A shirt with your daughter’s or son’s or church name and an
appropriate image from the vistaprint collection, a shirt that says My
Mom Misses Me, a shirt that says My Dad Sure Does Love Me, or how about My Mom is the
Coolest, Best, Most Fantastic Person on the Whole Entire Planet. Just
kidding, although I’m sure you are all the best mothers to your kiddos.
I’m sure you’ll come up with something fabulous! Don’t forget this
one is only good for today 6/27!