Follow Me on the Thrifty Twitter Trail

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Thrifty Twitter Trail

I’ve teamed up with Clever Housewife, Crunchy Frugalista, Must Love Coupons and A Proverbs Wife to bring you the Thrifty Twitter Trail! This is similar to a blog hop,
but we will be Twitter hopping. The goal is for each blog participating
to build their number of twitter followers.  Since I don’t know too much about Twitter, I could really use some of you to help me see the potential for my site on Twitter.

Here’s the rules for this hop:

1. Make sure you follow the hosts- the first 5. Please leave
us a comment telling us you came from the Twitter Trail, so we can
follow you back!

2. Add the link (below) to your
twitter page so others can find you! Don’t
add a link to your homepage, or it will be removed
. Feel free to
“follow” as many pages on the list as you like, and leave a comment telling them
that you’re following them from the Thrifty Twitter Trail, so they can
return the follow!

3. Grab our button and promote it on your page or wherever you like,
because the more people that know about the Twitter Trail, the more
followers you will get!

Thrifty Twitter Trail