Silverware Tip for Your Dishwasher

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I posted this tip last summer, but it’s something that saves me a lot of time and I’m constantly thankful that I do it.

We sort everything in our kitchens- from cups to plates, cereal to canned goods. Most folks don’t shove all the plates,bowls, cups and silver a muck on the same shelf.  Each item is placed in it’s respective home so that when it’s needed it can be found easily. So why do people throw silverware haphazardly into the dishwasher?  Beats me, because it takes me waaaaay too long to unload a dishwasher that’s been loaded this way. 

At our house there are 7 compartments for silverware.  The first two hold small spoons, the 2nd two hold small forks.  Then one each for longer forks, large spoons and knives.  As the utensils are rinsed to be put in the dishwasher we load them into those compartments with no extra time involved.  When it’s time to unload them I can reach my hand into each compartment and pull all the small spoons out and put them into the kitchen drawer in one fell swoop.  Much easier than trying to sort them all out without touching the actual utensils part once their clean.  This tip has saved us more time in the kitchen than any other I can think of.   Think the kids can’t handle the sorting? Don’t worry-with all the kids we’ve had through our house over the years it only takes a couple of days to train them on where their utensils go.  They actually take a bit of pride in doing it themselves!  Give it a try- I think you’ll be surprised :-)

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  1. This is such a great idea. Why didn’t I think of it? :)

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