Moby Wrap 25% Off!

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When we got ready to take a trip to Washington, D.C. and Williamsburg, VA when little Turkey was about 8 months old, I looked all over for a carrier that would work for us.  I tried several hand me downs.  I bought a couple and promptly returned them when he wouldn’t stay in them long enough for me to walk across the room.  I needed something since we’d be out and about all day long.  A friend suggested I borrow her Moby Wrap.  He loved it and I bought my own!  The Moby Wrap is an incredibly long piece of thick fabric that you wrap around your body and criss cross to make  a seat, leg holes and arm holes for the baby.  Because you are doing the wrapping, you can actually tailor the carrier to the size of your baby.  My Turkey liked to be held close and the Moby Wrap gave him just that, whether he was sleeping and facing me or we turned him outward to he could see all that was going on. This was also much easier on my back because his weight was close to my body and not pulling away from me. There are actually multiple ways to wear the wrap and your baby using this carrier.  That’s part of what I love about it.

Anyway, to cut to the chase- Amazon has the chocolate version-the one I bought- on sale for $33.74.  Now $34.99
They are regularly $45 but can be bought from target online for $40.  If you’re like me and have a lot of Amazon GCs saved up, you could actually score this wrap for free.  It also ships free BTW.  If you’ve followed my blog for any length of time you should know that I’m not a big spender at all, but this wrap was worth every penny I paid for it.  If you’d like more info on the wrap and to see videos of how to put it on you can visit the Moby Wrap site. They also have this adorable (and not worth the price IMO) child size
version of the Moby so your little darling can pretend to be you.  So

Yes, it can be a bit of pain to get set up, but I see it a lot like my double stroller:  I can go to a little bit of extra effort to have a less stressful outing, or I can have a stressfree exit from the van and start to our outing only to have the rest be stressful trying to make it with 2 kids and no transport.  I’ll take the minute of extra effort up front LOL!

Thanks, Centsible Sisters for alerting me to the sale!