Simple Homemaking Plan Week 18 of 2012

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As I sit down to write the menu for the week, I’m writing out my 4
weekly “to do” lists (personal tasks, blogging tasks, cleaning chores,
less common maintenance cleaning tasks). It’s helping me to accomplish
things that easily get pushed aside otherwise, even if I don’t get them
all checked off! 

Last week I had completed my tasks by Tuesday.  Here’s hoping for another productive week.  (so far so good!) I’m learning hope doesn’t have much to do with it though- it’s more about me just getting up and doing something.  It really doesn’t take that much time once I get going :-)

This week’s maintenance chores in addition to daily functioning cleaning chores: 

  • Reorganize the bathroom cabinets/cupboards
  • Go through the kids toys in preparation for a garage sale
  • Wipe down the kitchen cabinets
  • 15 minutes daily tidy after the kids go to bed 

My husband selected this week’s tasks.  I couldn’t come up with
anything, so I asked what would make a difference for him this week.  I
love knowing what I’m doing makes a difference!

See?  Nothing too involved, just things that will help me stay
on top of things at home instead of letting the week slip away from
me because none of those things seem pressing to be done


  1. haha, I’m trying! Bad thing is now I’m behind in blogging work. Now that hubby is home hopefully I can get back on track.

  2. Look at you getting stuff done!

  3. Bryany says:

    Well your blog still looks great to me 😀