Custom End of the Year Gifts for Teachers

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Some of the neatest gifts I ever received from kids at school were custom gifts.  Vistaprint often runs their freebie specials (just pay shipping) this time of year and they are perfect for teacher gifts.  I designed this tote bag and these sets of sticky notes this afternoon.

With just the tote bag in my cart my total including shipping was $5.52.  Then I added one sticky notes pad and it was $5.62!  That’s a fabulous price for custom sticky notes AND a tote bag.  I’ve seen some homeroom moms order tote bags and have all the kids in the class do a handprint on the bag and write their name across it.  The bag was treasured!

There are lots of great free items to choose from and tons of designs.  Have fun making and giving your child’s teacher a usable and memorable gift at Vistaprint!

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