Simple Homemaking Plan Week 20 of 2012

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As I sit down to write the menu for the week, I’m writing out my 4
weekly “to do” lists (personal tasks, blogging tasks, cleaning chores,
less common maintenance cleaning tasks). It’s helping me to accomplish
things that easily get pushed aside otherwise, even if I don’t get them
all checked off! 

Wow- week 20 already!  There are only 2 weeks of childcare left for Little One.  Little Turkey’s last day of preschool is Tuesday.  Oh my, that’s a scary thought to have both kids home full time this summer – eek!
This past weekend we spent quite a bit of time organizing legos.  4 large gray rubbermaid tubs to be exact.  It feels good to be making progress on things that are usually stuff away hidden in closets.  This week I’m going to focus on the laundry room/mud room.

This week’s maintenance chores in addition to daily functioning cleaning chores:

  • Wipe down the icky crevices on my washer
  • Clean out beneath the lint trap on the dryer
  • Reorganize all the cabinets in the laundry room/mud room
  • Spend 1 hour getting a toddler bed restored for Little One to use until we buy a twin bed.
  • 15 minutes daily tidy after the kids go to bed 

See? Nothing too involved, just tasks that will help me stay on top of
things at home
instead of letting the week slip away from me because
none of those things seem pressing to be done immediately.