Simple Homemaking Plan Week 21 of 2012

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As I sit down to write the menu for the week, I’m writing out my 4 weekly “to do” lists (personal tasks, blogging tasks, cleaning chores, less common maintenance cleaning tasks).   It’s helping me to accomplish things that easily get pushed aside otherwise, even if I don’t get them all checked off!   

As I went through the laundry room / mud room cabinets last week I found lots of loose batteries.  I didn’t feel like messing with them then, so I boxed them all up and testing them is on my list for this week.  I was having trouble finding spices so I already organized those.

This week’s maintenance chores in addition to daily functioning cleaning chores:

  • Organize/Clean out the spices in the kitchen
  • Clean the table legs and chairs (a good down in the crevices cleaning) 
  • Test batteries and recycle or recharge olds ones.
  • Spend 1 hour getting a toddler bed restored for Little One to use until we buy a twin bed.
  • 15 minutes daily tidy after the kids go to bed 

See? Nothing too involved, just tasks that will help me stay on top of things at home instead of letting the week slip away from me because none of those things seem pressing to be done immediately.


  1. S. Davis says:

    love, love, love your spice drawer!

  2. Good idea with a simple homemaking list each week. I need to implement something similar.

  3. Thank you Sherrill!
    Whitney- it has been a huge help to me just to set some relatively simple goals for each week. Some weeks I rush to get things done before I post and others I keep up throughout the week. Either way I get things done and feel good about myself :-)