I was not impressed with the sale ad this week. In fact, none of these deals are from the sale ad, they are all regular coupon matchups for Target prices.
Febreeze Noticeables Warmer $2.99
use $3/1 Febreeze Noticeables Warmer from 8/26 SS (should be reduced to $2.99)
Price after Q = FREE
Heinz White Vinegar 16 oz $1.12
use $1/1 Heinz vinegar from 6/24 SS (expires 8/31)
Price after Q = $.12
Ortega Taco Seasoning Packets $.69-$.89
use $1/2 Ortega from August 2012 All You
Price after Q = $.19-39 each WYB 2
Hershey’s Simple Pleasures $2.99
use $1/1 Simple Pleasures Target printable
use $2/1 Simple Pleasures from 8/19 SS (will likely be reduced to $1.99)
Price after stacked Qs = FREE
Heinz Easy Squeeze Ketchup 20 oz $1.39 (through 9/8)
use $.50/1 Heinz from 8/19 SS
Price after Q = $.89
To see the matchups from the 8/26 sale ad, visit Totally Target.
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