Walmart Deals and Coupon Matchups 10/11

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These are my favorite deals found by

I Heart the Mart

Please keep in mind that Walmart stores are notorious for regional pricing.  Selection also varies by region and the size of the store.  I only shop at Walmart about once a month so I’ve not been able to verify these prices at my local Walmart.

Stayfree 14-24ct Pads $2.86
use $2/1 Stayfree Product from 8/26 SS (expires 10/15)
Price after Q = $.86 each

Red Gold Tomatoes $0.86
use $1.00/2 Red Gold Tomatoes printable
Price after Q = $.36 each WYB 2

Sea Pack Shrimp Poppers $1.67
use $.75/1 from 9/30SS
Price after Q = $.92

Multigrain Pringles $1.50
use $1.50/2 or $.75/1 Multigrain Pringles from 9/9 RP
Price after Q = $.75 each

Tabasco Sauce $1.28
use $.50/1 Tabasco from 9/16 SS (expires 10/31)
Price after Q = $.78

Mrs. Cubbison’s Salad Toppings $1
use $.55/1 from 8/26 SS (expires 10/31)
Price after Q = $.45

Fleischmann’s Yeast $1.14
use $1/2 Fleischmann’s printable
Price after Q = $.64 each WYB 2

Chapstick Moisturizer $.98
use $1/2 Chapstick from 8/26 RP
Price after Q = $.48 each WYB 2

Seafood Snackers $1.00
use $.50/1 Seafood Snackers printable
Price after Q = $.50

Maruchan Yakisoba $.64 – $.78
use $.50/1 Maruchan from 8/26 SS (expires 10/31)
Price after Q = $.14 – $.28

To see more great matchups for Walmart, please visit I Heart the Mart

ZNHL-FR97V8- You can find the other part of the code in the comments. Please comment when it’s been claimed!
Claimed! The next code will be posted tonight around 7 (or as soon as I ge the kids in bed) 10/25

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  1. Just for fun this part is backwards :-) GSK3