Over the next few weeks you may notice a decrease in posts in your e-mail newsletters. This is not always because there aren’t posts for that day, but because they’ve been recycled from years ago and the autobot isn’t picking them up as new posts to go into your newsletter. Please be sure to check on the blog for posts each day if you’re noticing that regular posts aren’t showing up in your newsletter.
For the past 6 weeks our family has been out of town 2, had guests 1 and spent no less than 2 weeks dealing with sickness. With our busy schedule on top of all of this, I’ve really been struggling to give my home, self, family and friends the attention they need and deserve. When this happens, I always catch up eventually. But this time, I feel it would be best to take a small step back from blogging to get my other responsibilities in order.
For the next few weeks I’ll be recycling posts from Tuesday and Thursdays from 3 years ago. Most of you have probably not read these, or wouldn’t remember them from so long ago. I always chuckle when a reader e-mails with a question or suggestion for a post and I’m able to send them a link to an early post on that subject. I’ll continue my regular posts on Wed, Friday and Saturday since the matchups and scenarios are time sensitive. If you’re missing a post in your newsletter on Tuesday or Thursday, please jump on over to www.thriftytexaspenny.com to see the recycled post.
Thanks for being such wonderful and supportive readers. I love and appreciate you, each and every one!
~ Cricket
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