Time Saver Tip #12 Packing for Trips – Or Rather NOT Packing for Trips!

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This post was originally published on September 29th, 2010.

Because of my husband’s job, we travel frequently and often on less than a day’s notice.  Here are a few things that I keep packed so that those “Honey, how would you like to go to _______ tomorrow?” calls aren’t followed by complete chaos.

  • I have all of our toiletries (except one hair product) ready to go in caboodles kits. Since I have a stockpile I’m not really out any extra money to have spares for this purpose.
  • We keep toys in the van for travel days
  • We keep a supply of books and toys at both sets of grandparents’ houses too.
  • If we’re going to stay at either of our parents’ houses I just take all of our laundry with us to do there in lieu of packing clothes.  I just have to make sure we all have Sunday clothes to take.

Don’t forget to pack kids’ acetaminophen and ibuprofen, and allergy meds as well!

    If you live close to your extended families you could also keep duplicates of baby and kid’s items at their houses instead of having to pack change clothes and supplies up for day trips.  I also know many people who keep a list on the computer of items needed for a trip to avoid forgetting items and having to purchase them at full prices while on vacation.

    I’m sure there are many other ideas to make packing easier.  If you think of any, please share!

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