Here is the Super 1 coupon policy and the Super 1 internet printable coupon policy. Don’t forget to carry your reusable bags for a $.05 credit per bag used! These are the best Super 1 Foods Deals and Coupon Matchups from the Tyler, Longview and Marshall ads for 5/7 – 5/13, 2014. Prices may differ slightly in other market areas. Some stores may double coupons, but not any in Tyler that I’m aware of. Brookshire’s Vanilla Wafers 12 oz $1.00 {Read More}
Super 1 Foods Deals and Coupon Matchups 5/28 – 6/3
Brookshire’s Deals and Coupon Matchups 5/28 – 6/3
Our local stores in Tyler do not double any Qs, but they do offer the $.05 credit for each reusable bag that you use. Here is the Brookshire’s Coupon Policy to keep in your coupon pouch. These are my favorite 5/28 – 6/3 Brookshire’s Deals and Coupon Matchups from the Tyler, TX ad. Prices may differ slightly from other stores. Brookshire’s Hamburger Or Hot Dog Buns 8 ct. $.99 Select Brookshire’s BLAST! 2 liters $.88, get 50 points WYB 2 {Read More}
Brookshire’s Deals and Coupon Matchups 5/21 – 5/27
Our local stores in Tyler do not double any Qs, but they do offer the $.05 credit for each reusable bag that you use. Here is the Brookshire’s Coupon Policy to keep in your coupon pouch. These are my favorite 5/21 – 5/27 Brookshire’s Deals and Coupon Matchups from the Tyler, TX ad. Prices may differ slightly from other stores. Still not much in the way of good produce prices, but at least there are some good points deals this {Read More}
Super 1 Foods Deals and Coupon Matchups 5/21 – 5/27
Here is the Super 1 coupon policy and the Super 1 internet printable coupon policy. Don’t forget to carry your reusable bags for a $.05 credit per bag used! These are the best Super 1 Foods Deals and Coupon Matchups from the Tyler, Longview and Marshall ads for 5/7 – 5/13, 2014. Prices may differ slightly in other market areas. Some stores may double coupons, but not any in Tyler that I’m aware of. Iceberg Head Lettuce $.78 {Read More}
Super 1 Foods Deals and Coupon Matchups 5/14 – 5/20
Here is the Super 1 coupon policy and the Super 1 internet printable coupon policy. Don’t forget to carry your reusable bags for a $.05 credit per bag used! These are the best Super 1 Foods Deals and Coupon Matchups from the Tyler, Longview and Marshall ads for 5/7 – 5/13, 2014. Prices may differ slightly in other market areas. Some stores may double coupons, but not any in Tyler that I’m aware of. Brookshire’s Pizza 20.5 – 22.9 {Read More}
Brookshire’s Deals and Coupon Matchups 5/14 – 5/20
Our local stores in Tyler do not double any Qs, but they do offer the $.05 credit for each reusable bag that you use. Here is the Brookshire’s Coupon Policy to keep in your coupon pouch. These are my favorite 5/14 – 5/20 Brookshire’s Deals and Coupon Matchups from the Tyler, TX ad. Prices may differ slightly from other stores. This week’s ad is a bit disappointing. Hopefully next week there will be better produce prices. Fast Fixin’ Chicken Breast {Read More}
Brookshire’s Deals and Coupon Matchups 5/7 – 5/13
Our local stores in Tyler do not double any Qs, but they do offer the $.05 credit for each reusable bag that you use. Here is the Brookshire’s Coupon Policy to keep in your coupon pouch. These are my favorite 4/30 – 5/6 Brookshire’s Deals and Coupon Matchups from the Tyler, TX ad. Prices may differ slightly from other stores. This week is another huge BOGO for $.01 week, but don’t be swayed by this marketing tactic. Know your per {Read More}
Super 1 Foods Deals and Coupon Matchups 5/7 – 5/13
Here is the Super 1 coupon policy and the Super 1 internet printable coupon policy. Don’t forget to carry your reusable bags for a $.05 credit per bag used! These are the best Super 1 Foods Deals and Coupon Matchups from the Tyler, Longview and Marshall ads for 5/7 – 5/13, 2014. Prices may differ slightly in other market areas. Some stores may double coupons, but not any in Tyler that I’m aware of. Tide Simply Clean and Fresh {Read More}
Brookshire’s Deals and Coupon Matchups 4/30 – 5/6
Our local stores in Tyler do not double any Qs, but they do offer the $.05 credit for each reusable bag that you use. Here is the Brookshire’s Coupon Policy to keep in your coupon pouch. These are my favorite 4/30 – 5/6 Brookshire’s Deals and Coupon Matchups from the Tyler, TX ad. Prices may differ slightly from other stores. Food Club Sugar 4 lbs. $2 Hass Jumbo Avocados $.99 Large Sweet Mangos $.99 Downy Fabric Softener 28.7 oz $1.50 {Read More}
Brookshire’s Deals and Coupon Matchups 4/23 – 4/29
Our local stores in Tyler do not double any Qs, but they do offer the $.05 credit for each reusable bag that you use. Here is the Brookshire’s Coupon Policy to keep in your coupon pouch. These are my favorite 4/23- 4/29 Brookshire’s Deals and Coupon Matchups from the Tyler, TX ad. Prices may differ slightly from other stores. Oscar Mayer Bologna or Cotto Salami 16 oz $.99 Tostitos Cantina or Doritos Tortilla Chips or Dips 8.5 – 12 oz {Read More}