Simple Homemaking Plan Week 7 of 2012

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As I sit down to write the menu for the week, I’m writing out my 4
weekly “to do” lists (personal tasks, blogging tasks, cleaning chores,
less common maintenance cleaning tasks).  It’s helping me to accomplish
things that easily get pushed aside otherwise,
even if I don’t get them all checked off!

My husband is home from work today and tomorrow so he’s been helping me tackle some things around the house.  This morning I came home from the dentist to find dinner already in the crockpot and our bathroom cleaned!  He is such a sweetie :-)  I only managed to get one item listed to sell, so I’m hoping to tackle 5-6 this week to make up for it.

This week’s maintenance chores in addition to daily functioning cleaning chores.

  1. Finishing up loose ends on taxes and file.  I used the free online tax software without submitting any personal info and found that we will indeed get a refund, so I’m sending it in this week!
  2. Enjoy watching a chick flick movie while doing all my paid to read e-mails (I mainly use Inbox Dollars, MyPoints and Reward Point) and spinning the super lucky button. If I finish before the movie is over I’ll work on clearing out some e-mails. 
  3. Put 5 or 6 more items on Craigslist or Ebay to sell (I’m really trying to clear “stuff” and put the money on the mortgage without denting our savings)
  4. 15 minutes daily tidy after the kids go to bed (I’ve started slacking here again- I need a lock timer for my computer LOL)

See?  Nothing too involved, just things that will help me stay on
top of things at home instead of letting the week slip away from me
because none of those things seem pressing to be done immediately.