I feel blessed to be able to help you save more time and money in order to help your homes run more efficiently. For those of you that are new to couponing, don’t fret about not having lots of coupons yet. You can always get great printable coupons from sites like Coupons.com, Smartsource.com, Redplum.com and couponnetwork.com. After a few weeks of buying the Sunday paper (or asking friends for the inserts from their papers) you’ll have most of the coupons that the rest of us have.
Mondays: My Frugal Dinner Menu, Homemaking Plan
Tuesdays: Tips for Tuesday, including Time Savers and Household Tips
Wednesdays: Best Deals for Brookshire’s, Super 1 Foods, Brookshire Brothers, Albertson’s and Kroger
Thursdays: Lessons in Money– most recently a series on getting out of debt, Ways to Make Money or Ways to Save Money
Friday: Best Deals for CVS
Saturday: Best Deals for Walgreens
Sunday: Any big additions to or first hand warnings regarding the CVS and Walgreens deals for the week and a recipe hop.
My weekly scenarios for CVS and Walgreens have been expanded and moved to their own respective sites:
www.CVSscenarios.com and www.WalgreensScenarios.com
I post other deals, including Walmart and Target, as they are submitted to me or as I come across them during the week. I love to have readers submit deals and questions, as these are the ones that matter most to everyone. From time to time I’ll share some pics or a story about life with my kids. Gives the grandparents a reason to check in every once in a while ya know 😉
If you’re wondering why I don’t post all of those other deals that can be found around the blogosphere, you can check out this post
Be sure to sign up for daily e-mails and RSS feed, or follow me on Facebook or Twitter, so you’ll never miss a great deal or tip.
Thanks again for stopping by!
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