This guest post is from reader Natalie. Our story is kindof a two part story. This is a second marriage for my husband and I. Our first marriages had LOTS of money fights/money problems and TONS of debt. When we were dating, he was trying to “rebuild” his credit from his ex but I had already done all of that. I had a couple credit cards that I could easily afford and everyone has a car payment, right? For the {Read More}
Guest Post – Consumer Debt Free in Less Than a Year – Twice!
Looking for Getting Out of Debt Stories / Guest Posts
I have an upcoming series with tips on getting out of debt, whether credit card debt or just mortgage debt. No matter where we are in our journey to becoming debt free it’s always encouraging to hear what others are doing and have done to stay motivated, so I’m looking for readers who have a getting out of debt story. Whether you’re doing “the Dave Ramsey” thing or not, still have debt or are living debt free, I am looking {Read More}
Guest Posts Wanted!
Are you a blogger wanting to increase your traffic? Do you want to blog, but aren’t sure you’re ready to make the time commitment required? Do you just have a great tip you’d like to share? If so, this is your chance because I am looking for you! I am looking for some guest posts on just about any frugal subject. It’s nice to “hear another voice” and it’s always good to think about a subject from a different angle. {Read More}