Creative Use for your Moby Wrap

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My Moby Wrap, aka. the most versatile carrier for DD has been turned into a dress up outfit! Thanks DH, for the laughs and the picture.

Oh No – Did He Really Just Do That??!!!

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DS has been potty trained for several weeks now, but we left “his potty” in the kitchen for easy access. He takes care of everything himself, so I think nothing of it when he tells me “I’m going potty, Mama”. Evidently I was too caught in doing the dishes because he then he tells me “I poured my peepee out Mama”. I absentmindedly say “That’s great bud”, only to realize that not enough time passed between these two comments AND {Read More}

12 Duggars Have ChickenPox

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At the same time! DH came across this yahoo article tonight on the Duggar family. As usual I am overwhelmed just thinking about so many kids. You’ve heard their story right? They are a family from Northwest Arkansas that now has 19 kids. Yes, 19! I watched their show called 19 Kids and Counting occasionally back when we had cable. It was really neat watching them on TV, because we’ve seen them out and about before and I know people {Read More}

My Craigslist Finds

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Exersaucer Retail: $60, Craigslist: $20 Sit and Stand Stroller Retail $130, Craigslist: $50 (now I can take them to the zoo and other places by myself!) I simply love using Craigslist! It is a free online classified ads site. Different regions of the country have their own craigslist address, so when you first go to you have to select the area that you are in. I have bought and sold using craigslist. My favorite parts are that you can {Read More}

Not enough Drs?

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I woke up this morning to a horrible wailing. You know the kind. Horrible 2 yr old sobbing. DS says “my mouf hurts”. Let me tell you, 100.7 fever at 6 something in the morning is not fun! First priority-call the doctor. What doctor? The one I was told accepted him as a new patient back in April when I set up DD’s first 2 month check. Well turns out he was never put on the roster, so we can’t {Read More}

Eating with Toddlers

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Ever have a meal where your kids end up looking like this? When I don’t think ahead that’s the mess I end up having to clean up. When I know I have a messy meal and plan ahead the kids where what I call “spaghetti shirts”.  Quite simply they are old cast off T-shirts that are a couple of sizes too big. The kids put them right on over whatever they are wearing and it protects their clothes from messes. {Read More}

Target Finds 8/3

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Before I tell you about the deals I picked up this afternoon I have to tell you about the little old lady driving the BMW. I happened to find a parking spot fairly close to the doors, and across from a cart return (very important with 2 kids in tow). When I get back to the van I crank up and notice this little old lady driving a BMW, or at least I think it was a BMW with her {Read More}

From the Mouths of Babes

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DS has said a few things this week that really had me laughing. I thought I would share with all of you. I’m sure you can imagine him looking over his glasses to tell me these things with the most serious of tones *You’re a good helper, Mama! *Be careful Mama, don’t burn yourself! *You’re done Mama, sorry, but you’re done! (said in exactly the same tone I say it when I’ve had enough of him doing something) *We need {Read More}

Happiness Prevails

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After a very long night last night, we had a rough start this morning. But after a 2 and a half hour nap, we are finally happy again (brother enjoyed some undivided Mommy time too) I think she’s ready for a swim with Mommy and big brother! I will add that within a few minutes of this post, I had to spend nearly 30 minutes cleaning up both myself and DD from the shall I say- present that she left {Read More}

She’s trying to sit up!

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Look at her go. She did it so many times in a row I was able to get the card in the camera and get several shots. She’s working hard! Now if I could get her to spend some time on her tummy….Of course DS had to have his picture taken too