I Couldn’t Figure Out Why Little One Kept Waking Up

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One day last week Little One was wearing this cute little pink bow.  For once it actually stayed on so I thought nothing of it when I put her in the swing later on for a nap.  She went to sleep easily but cried out several times during the nap.  I was so frustrated, but when I went in to wake her up I dissolved into laughter. I couldn’t help myself.  Here’s what I found:   Not only is the {Read More}

We met Jack Hanna!

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  Our family loves to visit the zoo.  When we moved to Tyler this year we decided to get a family pass so that we could pop in for an hour or so whenever we wanted to.  Turkey can’t seem to get enough of East Africa, the tigers, and strangely enough- the flamingos.  Well, one of the great perks to having the family zoo pass is that we got to attend a presentation by Jack Hanna himself!  I requested our {Read More}

There’s No Such Thing as a Great Day

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Seriously- I couldn’t have had a more perfect morning. Yet it just had to be followed by a terrible afternoon and evening.  I got up almost an hour early and even though little one woke up with me, she was in a great mood and we managed to get out the door and be early.  Yes dear friends, I, for the first time in probably ever, got both kids ready and out the door completely by myself-  and managed to {Read More}

Tonight We Are Thankful for Healthy Eyes

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Both of our kids had appointments with the ophthalmologist this morning.  We spent 3 hours in the office but returned home feeling victorious.  DS’ eyes show no signs of elevated pressures and DD remains completely glaucoma free.  She does still have blocked tear ducts and consequently has an eye infection, but this is completely normal for babies her age.  While DS was apprehensive about his Dr. visit this morning, he responded very well and was generally a happy patient.  He {Read More}

How Could I Forget a Diaper?????

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DH got our son up this morning. I was in the bedroom getting the baby’s milk when he comes in with a smirk on his face and says “Were you in a hurry when you got [DS] ready for bed last night?” Cringing, it dawned on me instantly what he meant. I had put him to bed with his underwear on! Evidently the entire bed, him and his stuffed animals were soaked. It is now all piled up in his {Read More}

Our Labor Day Weekend Adventures

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We went to visit my Mother-in-law this weekend. DH had worked a lot of over time so we were able to leave on Friday, which made for a nice long visit. She lives about 4 and a half hours away and DS was very excited. He woke up Friday morning saying “Are we going to go see Nana today?” “yes, we’re going to go after we eat lunch” “Good, I need to go see Nana’s pots!” Nana is one of {Read More}

She’s Looking For Her Dentures!

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Well not really, but oh my goodness I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a baby act like a grandparent without their dentures as much as DD. Sometimes I think she might bite her little lips right off. It’s really quite funny to watch her, especially when she’s looks like a clown jester. So full of laughter and life. So much has happened in her short 5 months. Can you believe she’s that old already??

Sarcasm and Toddlers

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DS was underfoot most of the time I worked on dinner last night, which is not surprising given his love for all things cooking. However, last night, he wanted to “vacuum” the kitchen to help me. While I was glad to not have to keep him from burning his little fingers, he kept running over my bare feet and trying to vacuum the baby’s head with his toy vacuum. In my exasperation I finally looked at him and said “If {Read More}

Customer in Training

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Our DS loves to push his own cart at Brookshire’s. He feels so grown up. He’s so busy looking around to see who is watching him that he can’t keep his eyes on where he’s going. It’s a good thing they have those tall bars with the “customer in training” on the top so that it’s easier for us to help him around the store. After a while we do get tired of taking things from his cart and putting {Read More}

The Decline of the Real Book

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After our recent move to Tyler we’ve finally decided to reduce our book collection. We have about 2,000 books! After going through all the boxes we were only willing to part with about 600 books or so. (hey-it’s a start for us booklovers) We searched half.com and were stunned to see so many of our like new coffee table type books were only worth $0.75 at best! We’re talking nice books that originally retailed for $25+. Or course you know {Read More}