Making Cooking Dinner Easier- Share the Cooking Responsibilities

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Last year about this time, I gave you three ideas for food swaps:

Many of you wrote to say that you tried these swaps and the results were good.  But, I realize that not everyone has kids at home to make these swaps worthwhile.  Who wants to eat the same meal 4 or 5 times a week? I’m doing good to eat one twice!  (good thing my husband has no qualms with leftovers LOL) For those of you that work try these two ideas to reduce your cooking responsibilities and your temptations to eat out:

Get with 3 or 4 co-workers to swap lunches. Have each person pick a day of the week to cook a meal and bring it to work for the whole group. Ideally with 5 in the group you’d each have a day, thus no need for eating out.  Groups of 3 or 4 could either have a splurge/eat out day or a sandwich day once a week.

You could also swap leftovers at work.  Pair up with a friend and plan a couple days a week to both bring last night’s leftovers to swap.  You get to try something new, without cooking it yourself, or needing to eat all of your own leftovers yourself.

Remember, it’s about working smarter- not harder!

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