Frugal $5 Menu Plan February 2013

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The month long menu plan worked really well for January.  The only problem I had was leaving more of the meals that had to actually be cooked vs. pulled from the freezer until the last week.  Lucky for me my hubby was in town last week so it all worked out.  This month I’ll have to watch the menu a bit more carefully 😉

My goal is to provide dinner for my family for an average of $5 except on special occasions. We don’t have to eat beans and rice to accomplish this goal!  I shop the grocery sales each week.  Then I plan my menu based on the foods I have already at home (at a great price). I balance more expensive meals with less expensive ones. Because we cook multiples of each dish, we spend less time cleaning, cooking, and meal planning!

Right now the best meat prices are for chicken, plus we have quite a bit of pork in the freezer.  I’m only including the sides that I have planned since we eat a lot of fresh fruit and won’t know what fruits will be on sale each week.

Dishes We’re Cooking (Hubby cooks a lot when he’s home)
2x Lasagna Hamburger Helper
2x Taco Salads
2x Grilled Pork Chops and Corn on the Cob
Breakfast for Dinner – Blueberry Pancakes, Sausage and Fresh Fruit
Chicken Nuggets, Broccoli &Cheese
Lemon Grilled Salmon

Planned Fast Food
Dairy Queen Not planned, but hubby was OOT, a friend invited us & it made the evening much smoother!
2x Little Caesar’s Pizza
Chicken (not sure if we’ll do CFA or KFC or something new)
a sit down dinner (using a multi restaurant gift card we got for Christmas)

We make it a point to eat leftovers every few nights, so this should be plenty of meals to get us through the month of February.

I’d like to work in a few new recipes this year.  I’d love to hear your suggestions of things you haven’t seen on my menus before!

This post is being linked up to Menu Plan Monday over at OrgJunkie.

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  1. Looks good. I love the idea of cooking duplicates and saving some time.

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