It’s that time of year again- taking down all the holiday decorations and storing them until next year. I don’t know about you, but I’m always more excited about decorating for Christmas than undecorating. It seems like such an endless task and is a bit depressing to put things back to “normal”. Over the past few years I’ve found a few things to help make it less of a hassle. First check your Christmas boxes and cull any ornaments/decorations that {Read More}
Tips for How to Store Christmas Lights and Ornaments
What You Can Get at the After Christmas Sales
Retailers and most consumers seem to think that just because Christmas is past we can’t use any item that was packaged for the winter season (even though winter has barely begun). Outsmart them by purchasing items you can use now because they are winter themed instead of Christmas themed. Items that only have winter/Christmas packaging but can be used any time of year, and items like toys and batteries that are simply overstock are hard to find at good discounts. {Read More}
A $25 Christmas Gift Limit Means a $25 Value
Your family limit is $20/person and you find a $20 gift for $5. You feel guilty for only spending $5, but should you? This post explains Christmas gift limits are intended to work. One trap we fall into at Christmas time is having a spending limit. Don’t get me wrong, I think spending limits are great! But for most of us, our understanding of these limits is warped. We begin to feel that we must spend the limit, not matter {Read More}
Our Christmas Tree Has a Dirty Little Secret
At first glance our Christmas tree probably looks like the typical kid friendly, low budget tree. And it is. Bought for about $12 after Christmas a few years ago and decorated primarily with ornaments that were gifts or from our childhood trees, it certainly fits the bill for a family striving to pay off their homes as soon as possible. While not a fabulous designer look alike tree, it is perfect for our family at this time in our lives. {Read More}
Inexpensive Christmas Gifts for Teachers
Gift giving at Christmas time can be a huge financial strain, but there are many ways to enjoy the season on a budget, while still giving nice gifts. So far I’ve suggested that you: buy gently used items for your kids if you were planning to remove them from the package to display them for Christmas anyway, shop through cashback sites for your online or site to store purchases, buy gift cards at a discount online. This week I {Read More}
Quick Christmas Cash for Your Old "Stuff"
If you’re looking to make a little extra cash this Christmas, take advantage of opportunities to sell some items while other people are looking for bargains. Set aside 15 minutes to look around your home for unused items or items that no longer give you joy. Perhaps there are items your kids will soon outgrow. If so, it’s best to sell these items now while people are still looking. In 3 months the buyer pool will be significantly smaller, making {Read More}
Saving on Christmas Tips Roundup
I’m sure that everyone is deep into Christmas preparations this week, so for the last post in the “Ways to Save Money on Christmas” series is a round up of all my tips for saving on Christmas. Remember that a $25 limit when exchanging gifts means a $25 value. Consider giving your kids 3 gifts with a purpose instead of a whole passel of toys and gadgets. Use freezer cooking or go to meals like breakfast for dinner to avoid {Read More}
Save Money on Online Shopping for Christmas
For the next few weeks on Tuesdays I’m going to bring you some tips for the Christmas season instead of homemaking tips. My Tips for Tuesday series will return in 2012. Last week I encouraged you to consider buying gently used toys for your kids’ Christmas presents. You’ll most likely be taking them out of the packages before you put them under the tree anyway right? But that probably isn’t the best idea for gifts for your older kids, electronics, {Read More}