Garage Sale Tips

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I have always loved having yard sales.  They are just exciting to me.  Yes dear friends, I know how weird I am!  I truly do enjoy visiting with all the customers, making sales and seeing the money bag thicken, and yes, I even enjoy haggling.  This past weekend I participated in a garage sale and was excited to contribute $158 to our checking account from the sale.  That may not seem like a huge amount, but considering our last sale {Read More}

How Strong is Your Willpower?

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You might need an extra dose for today’s money making tip.  If you’re taking a trip to a popular tourist area, consider attending some timeshare presentations for pay.  Call around to resorts, especially new ones in the area that you’ll be visiting, and see what gifts they are offering if you attend a presentation.  BTW, most places have a kids room where you can drop your kids off to play while you’re there.  Resorts will pay you anywhere from $25- {Read More}

Another $10 Credit from Amazon!

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I just cashed out $10 from Swagbucks just for doing my normal searches. The last time I cashed $10 out it was August 13th.  That was only 6 weeks ago! Are you ready to give it a try yet?  There’s virtually no extra time involved, so it’s a super easy way to make a little money.  All you need to do is sign up and then do your web searches from instead of google.  You can even install their {Read More}

Free $100 through September 30th

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Want an extra $100 to work with in your budget?  If you’re not already a Chase bank or affiliates customer you can open a new Chase checking account with a minimum of $100 in it.  You can get a $100 bonus added into your account by having 5 debit card transactions each statement or setting up direct deposit from your work AND by keeping the account open for 6 months.  This is a free account if you have direct deposit {Read More}

Store Gift Card and Coupon Promotions

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An excellent way to stretch your money is to hunt for gift card promotions. There are several different types of promotions I have seen: We are often able to get our prescriptions for FREE by using the Qs for gift cards when you fill a new prescription or transfer a prescription.  They are found in the weekly sale ads or are promotions found online at drugstore websites.  I always tear these out, as you never know when you might need {Read More}

Make money with Surveyhead

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I joined Surveyhead last fall and have cashed out (at $30) to my paypal account one time just before the baby was born. Since then I haven’t done too many surveys and have only accrued another $9 because of my lack of activity. Here’s my experience with them: I would log in and take surveys and would get nearly to the end and learn that they have reached their limit of people with profiles like mine for this survey etc. {Read More}

Ebates and Others For CashBack

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This week’s money making tip is to use EBATES and other Cashback shopping sites when doing your online shopping. There are many such sites out there. I have mentioned InboxDollars and MyPoints before. Both of these sites have a shopping section where they will give you cashback for shopping through their site. EBATES is another one that I have used. They offer $5.00 for signing up and making your first purchase within 3 months (so wait to sign up until {Read More}

Ask about Referral Rewards

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Tons of companies providing all sorts of services and sales are offering referral rewards these days.  It seems like every form I fill out has a line for “who may we thank for referring you to us?” They all know that word of mouth is often the best form of advertising. Call any businesses that you are a regular or recent customer of and see if they have any offers for sending new customers their way. Some of our old {Read More}

I Just Cashed in $10 from Swagbucks!

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Do you use Swagbucks yet? I do 99% of my web searches through Swagbucks and get rewarded to do so. This morning I just cashed in $10 of Amazon credit. I always deposit it into DH’s Amazon account. Even though he also is signed up for Swagbucks I can’t convince him to use it much. Consequently, every time he places an Amazon order he says “Tell me again how you got me a credit on Amazon” I just smile sarcastically {Read More}

MyPoints for Gift Cards

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Update: If you signed up for MyPoints Tuesday or Wednesday but haven’t received any BonusMail, you may want to sign up again or log in and change your e-mail address. I began receiving duplicate BonusMails Wednesday, so someone joined through my link and we got a glitch. The referral link has been fixed so that it will take you directly to the MyPoints homepage. I’m sorry for your delay! This week’s cash earning tip is MyPoints. I have been a {Read More}