How Much Does Your Plastic Cost?

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Ok, fess up- who has gone to the store and bought those sets of plastic containers to send to a friend that you were cooking a meal for?  I know I have – twice, and I regretted it.  When I look back on it, I wasted our hard earned money. There are so many containers that get thrown away each week without their value being considered.  Most of the time it’s simple to toss these into the sink to soak {Read More}

Do You Get Your Money’s Worth From Dryer Sheets?

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I haven’t spent more than $4 total in the past 10 years on dryer sheets.  That’s including tax.  Part of the reason is because I’ve been able to get them cheap or free by combining coupons and sales, and part of the reason is because I am intentional about making them last.  If you want to stretch your dollars here are a few suggestions: Instead of using 2 sheets, cut your sheets in half and use 2 halves.  They will {Read More}

The End of the Digital Clutter Challenge

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We’ve spent the past 4 weeks going through our e-mail accounts and filtering, filing, and deleting e-mails.  I was thrilled to realize this morning that in the first page of my work e-mail account I now have e-mails from the past 2 weeks!  I usually have only 1 or 2 days worth, so I’m feeling especially proud of myself. Over the past 4 weeks I’ve narrowed the # of e-mails in my 3 accounts from 9043 to 3754-past my goal! {Read More}

Coke and Coffee Ice Cubes

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If you’re like me, you pour your soda over ice even if the soda was cold to begin with. Then 30 mins later (or 10 in this Texas heat) you find it sitting on the counter, barely any has been drunk, and the ice has melted leaving you with a watered down soda that is no longer appealing. I read a tip years ago to freeze day old coffee into cubes to use for iced coffee drinks so that regular {Read More}

Clear the Digital Clutter Challenge Part 4

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Photo credit: alvimann from   This week I’ve managed to stay on top of my paid to read e-mails that come to my personal e-mail account.  I’ve also made a lot of headway on clearing out e-mails from friend and family. I did spend an extra couple of hours enjoying reading many of these e-mails this week.  I’m now down to a total of 5566 in my 3 accounts combined.  That total looks quite good when compared to 9043, but {Read More}

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

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This canvas bin is sitting on the top shelf of my kitchen cabinet.  Any guesses what I store in it? It’s not easy to access, although not impossible.  I have it stored there on purpose because I don’t want to be able to see what’s inside it and cause my brain to think I need it. This bin is my chocolate stash and next to it is another bin with my “other candy” in it.  My theory (and well proven {Read More}

Clear the Digital Clutter Challenge Part 3

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Week 3 of the challenge is here.  By now I hope that you’ve totaled up the # of e-mails in all your inboxes set a goal for how few you want to have left at the end of this challenge unsubscribed to several e-mail subscriptions you weren’t reading and had no real desire to read deleted e-mails older than a month from several other e-mail subscriptions set up filters for these e-mail subscriptions In doing these 5 things I hope {Read More}

Clear the Digital Clutter Challenge Part 2

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Last week I challenged you to add up the damage in your e-mail accounts.  Mine was 9043.  I had 3 goals for the week that I planned to accomplish with just 5 minutes a day.  I veered from my goals a bit and jumped ahead but I did manage to get my e-mails down to a grand total of 8320.  I’m proud of my work so far, because I get about 200 e-mails a day.  So I’ve actually deleted about {Read More}

Silverware Tip for Your Dishwasher

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I posted this tip last summer, but it’s something that saves me a lot of time and I’m constantly thankful that I do it. We sort everything in our kitchens- from cups to plates, cereal to canned goods. Most folks don’t shove all the plates,bowls, cups and silver a muck on the same shelf.  Each item is placed in it’s respective home so that when it’s needed it can be found easily. So why do people throw silverware haphazardly into the {Read More}

Clear the Digital Clutter Challenge

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This summer I took a class by Lorrie over at Creative Order and Design.  It was instrumental in motivating me to clean out our impromptu storage room and reclaim it as an office and guestroom.   I’ve learned a lot about how: to clear clutter to realize I don’t need to keep everything clutter affects me emotionally-even clutter I can’t see to maintain organization once a system is in place Now that the storage room is no more (Hopefully I’ll {Read More}